Another Laugh and Another Tear

"I really don’t know John. I really only know of John, by virtue of pastoring in the same province and denomination together. I mention this to say that by reading his book, I finally had the chance to get to know him! In doing so, I felt that I’d met a kindred spirit. Sharing a common Dutch heritage, being former worship ministers, and growing up in a loving, musical home established an easy common ground between us.

In picking up a copy of his book, I anticipated sitting down to read an autobiographical account of this life. I was wrong. Instead I sat down to discover stories of friends and family who had shaped his life. It’s a tribute really. What a wonderful way to get to know a person! Instead of making himself the focus of his own writing, he instead shines a spotlight in the direction of the relationships that were most meaningful to him."

—Phil Spoelstra
Assistant Superintendent, British Columbia and Yukon District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada