註釋Today's wide-ranging family law courses challenge students to assimilate a vast array of material. Make sure your students Understand The scope and depth of the subject by requiring or recommending Family Law: Examples & Explanations . This new paperback simplifies study by stressing clarity and coherence: straightforward presentation, with topics organized into discrete chapters to give quick access to specific principles comprehensive coverage puts family law in perspective and includes subjects not usually found in study guides, such as domestic violence, mediation, and professional responsibility focuses on what the reader wants to know, with clear explanations of difficult areas provides citations for important cases and applicable statutes to serve as a valuable research tool. When you examine this powerful study guide, be sure to notice: the authors use of the proven and popular Examples & Explanations style to reinforce basic knowledge and extend the application of that knowledge to a variety of situations - students must exercise higher level thinking skills, rather than rote recall relevant social science research that supplies an interdisciplinary perspective the text includes discussions of the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act, relevant federal statutes, And The ALI Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution Family Law: Examples & Explanations is the study guide instructors can require or recommend with confidence.