A Cloud of Witnesses
註釋This book introduces a number of major theological themes from the writings of some great theologians of the past, whose works have been formative for the Christian church. It contains expositions of doctrines from St. Augustine to Karl Rahner to Lesslie Newbigin. Two chapters are missiological in nature and, as such, they deal with crosscultural interpretation of the gospel. The work of Roberto de Nobili, the 17th century Jesuit missionary theologian, is particularly fascinating, as he communicated the gospel to the Hindu Brahmins in Madura. The chapters on Karl Rahner and Bernard Lonergan pertain to theological method. One chapter in the book deals with Herman Dooyeweerd, who was a philosopher within the Dutch Reformed tradition. His stress on what is called "sphere sovereignty" and the critique of "pretended autonomy" are aimed at providing a stimulating conceptual introduction to his work. The doctrines and themes covered have great relevance for theological methods and the ministry of the church, as do the author's concluding critical comments of each chapter. Overall, this book provides interesting expositions of doctrines and theological methods that are useful in our contemporary churches.