
 …The history of the world is accelerating and amplifying its own paces and progresses, by following the huge technological advances in the first three decades of the Third Millennium (MMXXII), by out-sharping its ideological and theological dissimilarities!

…Everything in Human, in TechnoHuman, in BritishHuman, all being comprised into SapientoHuman, seem to be and to become in changing and challenging, in amplification and acceleration of similarities and dissimilarities, of homogeneity and differentiation, in creativity and regretfully in destructivity…

…Assuming in all a such fragmented evolution of human societies, particularly in the last thirty years of our world, implies volens nolens, a fragmented and broke down spirit of history, into which any predictions is more than hazardous…

…Therefore, in this set of books, Britishologicum / One, Britishologicum / Two and Britishologicum / Three, all belonging to the AERA OF PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS (AERA-1), II. Philosophy of History will be done a combination and a recombination of Past Times – Present Times – Future (Envisions) Times, by thinking and rethinking all basic kinds of human activities, in Science, in History, in Technology, in Sociology, in Art, in Sport and Politics, by sensing and resensing the encyclopaedism, the interdisciplinarism, trans-disciplinarism and videologism of all enterprises…

…Finally, this kind of endeavours in Historiology of British, (the human “logos” in becoming and fulfilment of history as Britishology), will resurface another light and understanding of the whole world, remaking another path from Big Geographic Discovery of past centuries, towards Big Ontologic Discoveries of the present times of the Third Millennium!...

…Big Ontologic Discoveries means finally a deep exploration endeavour of Human into SapientoHuman, by surveying and rediscovering the man alone inside of his own Species, as Species Sapiens, inside of his own Genus as Homo Anthropos, by rethinking a man, a human of AnthropoSapientic structure through his / her duality of biology (Anatomy), intertwined by its own ontology (Anatomology)!...

The Britishologist