原初之海戰記 《全冊》


你對霍皮族(The Hopi),阿南德(Abhigya Anand),諾查丹瑪斯(Michel de Nostredame),那督鄭博見(Dato Anthony Cheng),巴巴萬加(Baba Vanga) ,珍妮迪克遜(Jeane Dixon)的預言有興趣嗎?想了解世界走向的趨勢?










這不是仙劍奇俠傳七, 犬王, 山海旅人, 煙雨江湖, 三國殺 , 東方彈幕神樂, 神魔之塔

這是冒険 武俠 歴史 動漫 漫畫 漫画 不是卡通 動畫,不是 金庸 古龍,火影忍者,海賊王,咒術迴戰,鬼滅之刃,進擊的巨人,Final fantasy ,宮崎駿,新海城之類的作品

Tales of Terra Ocean

Long before the distant past, Earth was an organic whole without form and void。

A divine goddess named Pan Gu separated Earth from Heaven to form Terrestrial continents。Once every sixty six thousand six hundred and sixty six year, a disastrous scourge would be brought upon this land。 Floods, drought, famines, earthquakes and disease epidemics spread through out Earth。

Four Sages walked across the continents and discovered the myth of contrary forces, which were interconnected and interdependent in the dynamic natural cycle。

Relying on absorbing the spirits of sun, moon, fire, water, wind and earth, an animating force was formed within stones which could summon the catastrophic destruction brought upon land but also able to preserve the existence of mankind。

Weapons were forged with spiritual gemstones, passed down through generations and were called 「Eternal Summoning Weapons of the Ancient」。

As the plot progresses throughout this book, readers will be able to browse inside an ordinary youngster’s extraordinary journey, retroactively entering the chronological time warp of paranormal summoning monsters, and witnessing a new era of fantasy stories。

This book guarantees an unprecedented scale in the classical Chinese literature。A literature of fantasy moniker

「Tales of Terra Ocean」

Sol Reader, VR, AR, Presence, Haptics, HMD,  Interactive Virtual Reality, Virtual Visits, 360 Video, 4D Virtual Reality, Stereoscopic, Stitch, Head Tracking, Eye Tracking, FOV,  Latency, Simulator Sickness, VR is a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings. This environment is perceived through a device known as a Virtual Reality headset or helmet.