Potato Recipes

There is no one, who does not like potatoes. They can be cooked in many ways. Potatoes are prepared and served in many different ways, including boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, baked potato sand French fries  The best thing about potatoes is that we have it in all seasons at any time of the year. Potatoes can be used as a side dish, part of the meal or they can be a dish of their own. It is always a good choice to serve potatoes for special occasions, but they can be used also for regular meals. Potatoes are vegetables, but they contain a lot of starch (carbohydrates) that make them more like rice, pasta and bread in terms of nutrition. The word potato comes from the Spanish word patata.

            Potatoes are usually served hot, but sometimes cold in the form of potato chips or potato salad. Much like rice, wheat and maize (corn), potato crops are an important part the world’s diet. There are many benefits from consuming potatoes. They could help with decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight. The iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and zinc in potatoes all contribute to the building and maintaining of bone structure and strength.