The Lincoln Story Book
A Judicious Collection of the Best Stories and Anecdotes of the Great President, Many Appearing Here for the First Time in Book Form
出版CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015-10-14
主題Biography & Autobiography / Presidents & Heads of State

"Abraham Lincoln will be remembered for his apt stories as long as it is remembered that he was president of the United States and the author of the Emancipation Proclamation. Indeed, the greatness of the man is revealed in the stories ever ready for expression at the appropriate time. Here is a book of 315 pages, containing about 350 judicious selections of the best stories and anecdotes of the President, many of them appearing here for the first time in a bound volume. They cover almost every range of thought and expression, tragic, comic, and all points intermediate between the two, told in the inimitable manner which identified the man. When the stories are read, with regard for the time of life which they illustrate, one can see the growth and gradual development of a great character. There may be nothing different in the nature of the stories which refer to his early life and career, when he was struggling for recognition and triumph, and those which pertain to his later public life, but the point is different, and through them, as a succession of anecdotes, one can see the building up of a master mind. No one who reads needs an interpreter, and no Lincoln library henceforth will be complete without this volume." -Religious Telescope, Volume 74, 1908

"A sound authority who knew him of old pronounced him 'as good at telling an anecdote as in the '30's.' But the fluent chatterer reined in and became a good listener. He imbibed all the political ruses, and returned home with his quiver full of new and victorious arrows for the Presidential campaign, for his bosom friends urged him to try to gratify that ambition, preposterous when he first felt it attack him." -Henry L. Williams