Potentials and Constraints of Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainable Range and Water Development in Pastoral Land Use Systems of Africa
A Case Study in the Borana Lowlands of Southern Ethiopia
出版GTZ, 2004
註釋The Borana pastoralists were once famous for their efficient indigenous knowledge (IK) based organisation of range and water management under the high risk of arid lands. Opportunistic range management strategies, in particular mobility, variable stocking rates and herd diversification enabled a flexible approach to the use of erratic natural resources. However, since the 1970s various development interventions have undermined pastoral production, and resulted in socio-economic instability and ecological degradation. This study illustrates the effects of external interference on the applicability of opportunistic range management; it analyses the socio-economic preconditions for applying the pastoral core strategies in a modern management of natural resources; and it assesses the impact of changed range management on the ecological conditions.