註釋Living LiturgyTM for Cantors is a spiritual resource for cantors, designed to help them perform their ministry with more meaning and beauty. Offering thoughtful exploration of the meaning of the text and suggestions for spiritual preparation, it helps cantors gain insight into how the responsorial psalm is connected to the readings of the day and their daily lives. In making these connections, cantors are able to sing the psalm with greater understanding and lead the assembly more effectively in the Liturgy of the Word.

Living LiturgyTM for Cantors will give your cantors confidence to prayerfully lead the worshiping assembly in singing the responsorial psalm. This simple but thorough preparation process will strengthen your cantors and lead your assembly to greater participation.

Living LiturgyTM for Cantors begins with the First Sunday of Advent 2013 and includes the following:

- Readings and responsorial psalm for every Sunday

- Readings and responsorial psalm for Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil Mass, and holy days of obligation

- Reflection connecting the psalm to the readings of the day

- Suggestion for psalmist's spiritual preparation

- "How-to" guide for using this book