American Words 美國胡說
註釋Introduction about American Words: This is the fourth book Series Book about America by Mandy Hu, previously a Chinese journalist, is an author currently living and working in the United States. Mandy invites you explore her unique analysis and interpretation of popular culture and politics in American society. Written from a reporter's perspective, American Words presents the author's personal journey through the good and the bad of America's open society, from inside the country, but from global point of view. Based on her twenty years of life in America, in this book, Mandy introduces her life and presents America to the global Chinese community in six parts: Part One: Dreams of Studying in America; Part Two: Tales of American Life; Part Three: American Family Trivia; Part Four: American Society Stories; Part Five: American Political Routines; and Part Six: Narratives of the American People.書介 《美國胡說》是美籍華裔作家胡曼荻美国纪事的第四部文集,裡面收錄了其旅居美國所撰寫的最新和美国相关的文章。作者以一位前中國女記者獨特的視角,揮灑游刃有餘詼諧有趣的文字,塗鴉著作為生活在美國數年的局內人而親歷目睹眼觀耳聽的美國故事,及美國娛樂界上層建築的一些心隨事動和光怪陸離。作者旅居美國多年,對文字虔敬且誠惶誠恐,慎始慎獨慎微、全方位解讀三百六十度美國民生仕僚社會,從美國華人的普通生活、留學夢幻和移民意殤,到好萊塢的輝煌斑斕、衣香鬢影,深入塗描華府風雲和總統白宮內幕,文字細膩優雅又波瀾起伏。通過胡曼荻細膩的文字,全方位還原一個真實的美國, 深度刻畫異國不為人知的百味人生、社會形態和意識範疇。The AuthorMandy Hu, formally known as Ximei Hu, is a Chinese born American citizen. Mandy read the Dream of the Red Chamber in her childhood, and her graceful, generous writing style is heavily influenced by the Chinese novel. A graduate of Nankai University, Mandy worked as a reporter at the Tianjin Daily prior to living in Singapore, where she published two books, one a collection of essays called China Girl, and the other a documentary report titled Witnessing the Economy of China. Mandy's first novel, Soaring Over America, was recently published in China by The Writers Publishing House. Four collections of Essays written by Mandy, titled White House Invitational, Youth Unique, Wisdom of Love and Memories of Singapore, as well as a collection of novellas, called Road Back Home, were published separately by Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House. A World Beneath the Stars (also named as White House Calling), the author's second book about America, was published by Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, and American Stories, Mandy's third book about America, was published by Tsinghua University Press on 2018. The short film, Blind Date, for which Mandy wrote the screenplay and acted as producer, was broadcasted publicly in 2016. Mandy currently lives in the United States with her husband, Daniel Conneen, Esq., and is working on her follow-up novels to Soaring over America.作者簡介胡曼荻,美籍華裔作家,自幼熟讀《紅樓夢》,文風受之影響而婉約精雅,且知性大方,視野深邃獨特,作品國際色彩斑斕。其畢業於南開大學,曾供職天津日報社,亦旅居新加坡,現定居美國費城。其於新加坡出版散文集《中國女孩》和紀實報告《目擊中國經濟》;其代表作長篇小說《美漂》,描寫如浮萍般華裔在美國的移民留學夢事,由中國作家出版社推出;其美國紀事文集《人世間星空相連》(又名《白宮來郵》)由華中科技大學出版社出書;其個人文叢共計五本,包括文集《白宮有請》、《青春獨有》、《愛之智慧》和《獅城縈夢》,以及中短篇小說集《