Truth Liberating, Nourishing, Unifying
註釋Each one of the "three gifts" given by Jesus to His disciples in John 17 - Life . . . Truth . . . Glory - connotes the impartation of the Triune God to His people so that they might be perfected into ONE. Our focus on these first two chapters from Hon's text, One Truth - Liberating, Nourishing, and Unifying bespeaks not only of that initial entitlement but What Is & Is Not Truth? Our Lord not only prayed that we might be ONE, but He supplies us all the Life . . . Truth . . . and Glory whereby we might be so perfected! Specifically, the Gift of Truth sanctifies because only God is Holy. The antithesis of His Holiness is religion which is defined by fear. His Truth is His Word and the Word is the Logos - the Living Christ . . . yes, we can "pore over the Scriptures" thinking we have eternal life in that knowledge . . . but will we come to Him that we might have Life, the LIVING WORD? These two chapters examine "what is and is not truth" - how easy it is to be distracted away from the Truth leading to doctrines which divide, not unite. It is time we "keep the main thing, the main thing" - that's precisely why this overview on Truth by Hon is so vital for the unity of the Body of Christ. These five booklets comprise the 11 chapters of ONE TRUTH and are part of the "Hon Trilogy" - One Ekklesia, One Truth, and One Life & Glory.