2000 Wiley Medical Malpractice Update
註釋The 2000 WILEY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE UPDATE is an essential tool For The malpractice and general personal injury attorney who needs to keep up-to-the-minute with significant legal and medical advances that impact medical malpractice. Enlisting the expertise of a distinguished group of specialists to identify the most significant developments in medicine and medical malpractice, The 2000 WILEY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE UPDATE examines a broad cross section of subjects of key interest To The practitioner. These include: Emerging legal issues in family medicine. Advances in internal medicine - Examines new treatment guidelines in lung, heart, intestinal, endocrine, oncology, hematology, human genetics, neurology. New developments in general surgery - Surveys new methods in laparoscopic operations, new developments in breast cancer, trauma, and vascular surgery. Gynecology and obstetric malpractice litigation. New issues in emergency medical malpractice - Reviews the general concepts of emergency department liability, and analyzes the impact of Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. Examines new malpractice in emergency care of cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurological, and musculoskeletal problems and wounds and burns. The 2000 WILEY MEDICAL MAOPRACTICE UPDATE also provides extensive analysis of recent case law on doctrines gaining prominence in medical malpractice including the criminalization of health care malpractice and breast cancer evaluation and treatment.