Trapped in the Underworld
Doreen Mampani
1 John 3:8 for This Reason the Son of God Appeared That He Might Destroy the Works of the Devil
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
, 2015-03-17
Religion / Christianity / Pentecostal & Charismatic
Trapped in the Underworld is a book about people who are in bondage to Satan voluntarily of involuntarily. For both the people as long as they desire to be free, freedom is available through JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. Any other method to try to come out of Satan's bondage is detrimental even deadly. Bearing in mind that Satan is a Deceiver who even deceive himself (SCRIPTURE). People are Trapped in the Underworld for various reasons, voluntarily for wealth, power and fame. Even when they shed blood through human sacrifice I boldly say remission of sin is available only through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This does not mean those who are enticed to Satanic worship should gamble with their souls and covenant with Satan. Satan does not leg his prisoner go free easily (read Isaiah 14). For those who want to come out, there is hope in Jesus Christ alone. It takes faith in God, believing in Jesus Christ and accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. Then a vow and determination to stand and never go back. Burn the bridges back to the kingdom of darkness by studying the Bible daily and confessing scriptures such as "Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" and many more. Be in a Bible based church where Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. I speak of something I practice, "to forget the past and press towards the mark of the higher calling of Jesus Christ". On my own I can achieve nothing, therefore I say "that He may increase and I decrease".