This book is about rebuilding a country after the devastation of civil war and the collapse of civil society. It documents an experiment in post-conflict reconstruction of the International War-torn Societies Project (WSP) in Somalia.It is a detailed record of research and debate during a four year period from the mid-1990s, dealing specifically with the northeast region of Somalia -- the unit also known as Puntland. Beginning with a local focus and building to look at the northeast as an entity, the work in fact accompanied the political process that led to the recent establishment of the Puntland State of Somalia.
The underlying philosophy of the work of WSP International is that rebuilding a country after conflict is about more than just replacing damaged buildings and re-establishing institutions. Reflected here is the view that the human dimension of reconstruction and restoration of trust and rebuilding of relationships is paramount if lasting peace is to be achieved.
This documentation of the WSP experiment gives a unique insight into the future that the people of the northeast region want for themselves and their children. As such, it is in many ways a blueprint for Puntland's future.