註釋From the back cover: Dating from early this century, workers' compensation in Canada is an "historic compromise", ... That compromise is now in trouble ... Two points of consensus emerge in this volume. First, the authors agree that, although full funding probably isn't necessary to maintain the solvency of the system, it is both fair, in that those in business at the time of injury-causing mishap pay for it, and efficient, in that it creates the closest possible link between mishap and "punishment"--And, therefore, the strongest possible incentive to improve safety. Second, consideration should be given to reducing the replacement rate for lost income from the current level of 90 percent of after-tax earnings. This greater "co-insurance" likely would reduce the length of temporary disabilities, encourage workers to pay greater attention to safety, discourage claims for doubtful injuries, and provide a financial offset to other proposed reforms that might increase WCB expenditures. Without these reforms the "historic compromise" may fail