Revealing Place in the Sprawl
A Phenomenological Investigation Into Location-based Social Networking
出版Swansea University, 2013
註釋Location-based social networks (LBSN), running on mobile computational devices, are indicative of a new social cartography that is replacing traditional top-down cartography with a bottom-up system driven by social, rather than political or economic motivations. LBSN allow anyone with a GPS-enabled mobile phone to map their environment, and use the service to comment upon that environment with information that acts as a social gazetteer for themselves and other users of that service. Influenced significantly by Heidegger's identification of poetry and technology as two contrasting ways of revealing, I argue that computational devices and services can reveal the location of the user poetically, that is in a manner that allows for the revealing of place as place rather than resource. By arguing that the care structure of Dasein's being-in-the-world is fundamental to understanding place in Being and Time, I draw in Heidegger's discussion of dwelling and things in his later philosophy and link them to the care structure. I argue that it is the practices of using LBSN that orient users towards place in a manner that allows such an understanding. My original contribution to knowledge was to construct a theoretical framework to understand the revealing of location by things in the world through linking Heidegger's care structure of Dasein with his later philosophy on dwelling through the focal practices involved with geo-location as an attunement to place. This framework was assessed through evidence from an ethnographic case study of LBSN users. The case study utilised a mixed research methods approach to build a dataset to explore the theoretical frame proposed through an empirical study into usage patterns of LBSN, a qualitative survey of users assessing why and how the services are used and a series of semi-structured interviews with users to assess how experience of the world is affected by using LBSN. The ethnography supports the argument that there can be a poetic revealing of location by LBSN and computational devices when the user is oriented to the world in a manner that takes the device into care, and the device and LBSN facilitates the poetic revealing by acting as a thing that gathers the elements in the world to create an existential locale that allows for a poetic revealing of place.