The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship
Sha Rocco
Ephemera Bound Publishing
, 2005-08
Body, Mind & Spirit / General
Body, Mind & Spirit / Ancient Mysteries & Controversial Knowledge
Religion / General
Religion / Sexuality & Gender Studies
Social Science / Women's Studies
A tremendous and controversial undertaking for its time, this book unearths some of the most fascinating connections between the world of Christianity and sexual imagery, adventure and exotica. Without missing a beat, Rocco has seen to it that her readers are not only kept fascinated, but that her own theories and precepts remain strong in the reader's mind. It doesn't matter that her words reach out from a past century. Their ring is clear and their message loud, even by today's standards. Rocco moves from an intrinsic philosophy of the cross and its shape and form in theoretical gendering, while leaving no stone unturned in her discussions of the Triad and Vocabulary of the ancients. This woman finds sex in every nook and cranny of history, letting nothing stand in her way to complete sexual discovery. Her writing style remains clear and easy to read, while packed with the most interesting of facts, theories and suggestions. Not to be left in the cold, the Yoni is also examined (figuratively) in detail, including details regarding its origins and assorted monikers. Following the discussions of symbols, figures, art and hidden meanings, Rocco turns the focus to Religious Prostitution. This topic, although with many different perspectives from contemporary scholars, could well have ushered Ms. Rocco to the stocks had they still been in use at the time of its publication. While detailing some of the more well known roles of women in religion, Rocco weaves the threads of fresh thought around such topics as "veiling" and the use of the word "sanctuary". Interesting, thought-provoking and incredibly advanced for a female scholar of her time.In its entirety, this book is a must-have. For any who hold a love of history and most especially sexual history, the information and theories that Rocco puts out, are worth their weight in gold, when taken as a philosophical volume of renown. Women of today find it less surprising - the images, innuendoes and hints of sexuality in the ancient religious world. Today's female has history at her fingertips to use as a visual link in common denominators. We can see, from the threads of our history, that the pagans of old relied as much on sexuality in their nature worship as did the Christians who adopted but hid them. Fascinating and worthy of the best coffee accompaniment.--Quote by Scrollmistress of www.sexscrolls.com