Knowing God in the Real World
註釋In the world where the microprocessor and the Internet have fundamentally changed the way people think and live; and at a time when the foundations of everyday life seem to be collapsing with hellish speed, does the gospel message still have relevance? What is the bottom line in Christian faith? Jon Paulien, author of the popular Present Truth in the Real World, has taked up the pen once again, this time to deal with the issue of salvation at a personal level. Knowing God in the Real world clarifies the basics of the gospel message, and damonstrates how that messages can be expressed in a way that makes sense in the secular world. What does it mean to have a relationship with someone you can-not see, hear, or touch?; W hat does it mean to pray in a computerized world? What difference does it make to know Him? These are some of the questions addressed in this book written for real people who are attempting to have a real faith in an all -to-real world. Before our maessage can gave a significant impact on secular society, we must first have an authentic experience with God that makes a difference in every aspect of our lives. Find that experience is what this book is all about. - Introduction ; Life's Bottom Line; Batting 1.000 in the Game of Life; Keeping the Faith; Impressions, Impressions ; A Lesson From the Gulf War; Are You For Real?; Conclusion