註釋Part I: PHILOSOPHY Ottoman Thought of World Domination Ottoman Thought In The Classical Age The Ottoman Thought In The Classical Age and The Tehafüt Ambition In The Ottomans / Prof. Dr. S. Hayri Bolay [s.5-23] Civil Character In The Institutions of The Ottomans In The Classical Age and Their Effects On The Development of The State / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Oğuzoğlu [s.24-36] Notes On The Thinkers of The Time of Osman Ghazi / Asst. Prof. Dr. Sezai Sevim [s.37-41] Mahdi and Millennium: Messianic Dimensions In The Development of Ottoman Imperial Ideology / Prof. Dr. Cornell H. Fleischer [s.42-54] The Ottoman Gazaname: Stylistic Influences On The Writing of Campaign Narratives / Dr. Christine Woodhead [s.55-60] The Ottoman State As A Factor In The Socio-Political Formation of Europe / Dr. Tahsin Görgün [s.61-72] Early Reforms An Unknown Enlightenment Movement In The Ottoman Empire / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kazım Sarıkavak [s.77-82] Müteferrika's Printing Press: Some Observations / Dr. Hidayet Nuhoğlu [s.83-90] Sultan Mahmud II and The Fez Revolution / Mehmet Lale [s.91-95] Tanzimat: Breaking With The Tradition The Tanzimat Charter and Mehmed Sadik Rifat Pasha / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mümtazer Türköne [s.99-110] About The Beginning of French Orientalism and The Image of The "Other" / Dr. Raia Zaimova [s.111-116] Mahmud II's The Stoics Versus: Abdülhamid II's 'Philosophy-Religion Relations' / Prof. Dr. Mübahat Küyel [s.117-133] The Yeni and The Eski Cultural Change and Envisioning The "Modern" In Late Ottoman Cartoons / Prof. Dr. Palmira Brummet [s.134-140] From Absolutist Monarchy to Meşrutiyet The Committee of The New Ottomans and The Beginning of The Debate On The Parliamentary System In Turkey / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azmi Özcan [s.143-154] Internationals Within The Framework of Ottoman Constitutionalism / Prof. Dr. Bülent Tanör [s.155-161] Ottoman Modernization and Tunuslu Hayreddin Pasha / Dr. Mehmet Akif Kireçci [s.162-165] Some Notes On The Roots of Turkish Constitutionalism / Dr. Zühtü Arslan [s.166-175] From "Osmanlı" To National Identity Emergence of Pan-Islamism, Pan-Turkism and Turkish Nationalism The Ottomans and The Caliphate / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azmi Özcan [s.181-191] Cultural and Political Pan-Turkism / Prof. Dr. Jacob Landau [s.192-195] The Emergence of Turkish Nationalism Under The Ottoman Empire / Asst. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sarınay [s.196-206] Illegal Young Turks Publicist Writings (Late 19th-Early 20th Centuries) / Prof. Dr. Yuri A. Petrosyan [s.207-215] Ottoman Legacy and The Turkish Republic Ottoman Legacy The Ottoman Roots of The Turkish Republic / Prof. Dr. Bernard Lewis [s.221-228] Modern Turkey and The Ottoman Legacy / Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu [s.229-240] The Balkans and The Ottoman Inheritance / Prof. Dr. İlber Ortaylı [s.241-245] Ottoman Legacy In Turkey / Prof. Dr. Ercüment Kuran [s.246-247] The Most Important Ottoman Inheritance: Turkish Society / Prof. Dr. Bahaeddin Yediyıldız [s.248-252] The Anatomy of An Economic Heritage From The Ottoman State To The Republic of Turkey / Prof. Dr. Ahmet Güner Sayar [s.253-258] Islam, The Troublesome Heritage of The Ottoman Empire (A Trial of A Problematic Approach) / Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yaşar Ocak [s.259-270] The Social Character of The Ottomans In The Period of Recession and Collapse / Dr. Vejdi Bilgin [s.271-277] Present Historiography On The Ottoman State The Place of The Ottomans In World History: Methodological Questions and A Reinterpretation of Ottoman History / Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoğlu [s.281-289] Attitudes Toward The Ottomans In Egyptian Historiography During The Ottoman Rule / Prof. Dr. Michael Winter [s.290-299] The Ottoman Heritage and The Complexities of The Balkan Historiographies (Formation of Muslim Balkan Communities) / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Antonina Zhelyazkova [s.300-313] Part II: SCIENCE An Overview of Ottoman History of Science An Overview of Ottoman Scientific Activities / Prof. Dr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoğlu [s.319-328] The Evolution of The Geocultural Space of Ottoman Science (Its Extension, Differentiation and Colonisation) / Dr. Nacer Miloudi [s.329-338] The Ottoman Ulema / Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli [s.339-347] Matrakçi Nasuh: The Famous Knight, Scientist and Artist of The Period of Süleyman The Magnificent / Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gazi Yurdaydın [s.348-356] Islamic Scholarship Between Imperial Center and Provinces In The 18th Century: The Case of Murtada Al-Zabidi (D. 1205-1791) and His Ottoman Contacts / Prof. Dr. Stefan Reichmuth [s.357-365] Historiography and Geography The Ottoman Historiography / Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli [s.369-378] On Ottoman History Text-Books and Reform (1839-1918) / Dr. Betül Başaran-Alpugan [s.379-388] Ottoman State and Ahmet Cevdet Pasha's History / Prof. Dr. Beşir Atalay [s.389-404] Geography In The Ottoman Empire / Prof. Dr. Ramazan Şeşen [s.405-409] Mathematics, Astronomy, Biology Mathematics In Ottoman Empire / Prof. Dr. Mehmet. H. Oryan [s.413-418] Decimal Trigonometric Tables In The Work of Takiyüddin "Ceride El-Dürer ve Haride El-Fiker" (Preparation and Use) / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Remzi Demir [s.419-430] The Birth and Development of Modern Botany In The Ottoman Turkey / Prof. Dr. Asuman Baytop [s.431-443] Medical Sciences The Place and The Importance of Misir Çarsisi (Spice Bazaar) In Ottoman-Turkish Medicine / Prof. Dr. Aysegül D. Erdemir [s.447-454] The Ottoman-Turkish Dentistry / Prof. Dr. İlter Uzel [s.455-470] The Importance of Pharmacy and The Free Dispensation of Medicines To The Public Within The Ottoman Health System / Prof. Dr. Bayhan Çubukçu [s.471-477] Technology Three Sciences, Three Options For The Knowledge Transfer In The Late Ottoman Turkey: Zoology, Chemistry, Geography / Prof. Dr. Klaus Kreiser [s.481-486] The Metric System In Turkey / Prof. Dr. Feza Günergun [s.487-491] Part III: INSTITUTIONS Ottoman Administrative History Ottoman Central Administration From The Divan-i Hümayun (Imperial Council) To The Meclis-i Mebusan (House of Deputies) Legislation In The Ottoman Empire / Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet V. Seyidanlıoğlu [s.499-505] The Institution of The Imperial Council (Divan-i Hümayun) / Dr. Recep Ahıshalı [s.506-516] Ottoman Peripherial Organisation Provincial Organization of The Ottoman Empire In Pre-Tanzimat Period / Prof. Dr. Nejat Göyünç [s.519-532] The Anatolian Province-General: The Establishment and The Historical Evolution / Prof. Dr. M. Çetin Varlık [s.533-539] The Development of The Use of "Kurdistan" As A Geographical Description and The Incorporation of This Region Into The Ottoman Empire In The 16th Century / Baki Tezcan [s.540-553] The Consequences of The Weakening of Centralized State Structure: Ayanlik System and Great Dynasties / Prof. Dr. Yücel Özkaya [s.554-562] The Age of Ayans In The History of The Ottoman State / Prof. Dr. Özcan Mert [s.563-570] Administrative Reforms In The Tanzimat Period Tanzimat / Prof. Dr. Musa Çadırcı [s.573-589] Municipal Services In The Ottoman Empire Before The Period of Tanzimat (Reforms) / Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlhan Yerlikaya [s.590-604] The Bureaucracy In The Ottoman State The Ottoman Administration and The Problem of Interpreters / Prof. Dr. Gilles Veinstein [s.607-615] A Brief Comparison of The Roman and The Ottoman Administrative Organisation and The Hierarchy of Officials / Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Palaz-Erdemir [s.616-622] Is Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa the Beginning of Modern Turkish Intelligence? / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamit Pehlivanlı [s.623-633] Ottoman Legal System An Overview of Ottoman Legal System The Functioning of The Judiciary In The Ottoman Empire / Assoc. Prof. Dr.