A Complete Pedagogy of BLUE SCLERA: Causes, Related Genes and Facts, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prognosis.

A Complete Pedagogy of BLUE SCLERA: Causes, Related Genes and Facts, Symptoms, Diagnosis,

Treatment & Prognosis.

Blue sclera is attributed to a diversity of mechanisms, mostly arising in genetic syndromes and, to a lesser extent, in non-genetic disorders.

     A literature search has established a database of blue scleral associations.

      Recognition of the presence of blue sclera is important as it could prompt a timelier and more thorough diagnostic evaluation of possible systemic and other disorders potentially improving clinical outcomes.

      Thus, an effort has been made in this E-Booklet to present a complete Pedagogy of Blue Sclera to the enthusiastic Medicos just to increase the knowledge regarding the clinical significance of blue sclera, which includes Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Related Genes, and a unique case of UNILATERAL BLUE SCLERA along with plenty of ILLUSTRATIONS for better understanding!

…Dr. H. K. Saboowala.

       M.B.(Bom) .M.R.S.H.(London)