"Kingdom of God" in Four Lukan Parables - Its Challenge to the Church of Vietnam Today
註釋The "kingdom of God" is the central message of Jesus' proclamation and mission. Jesus used parables to demonstrate the message of the kingdom. Speaking of the "kingdom of God" in parable, Jesus compared it to the Mustard Seed(Lk 13:18-19); the Leaven(Lk 13:20-21); the Great Banquet(Lk 14:15-24); and, the Pounds (Lk 19:12-27). These four parables pointed out that the kingdom is both a present and future reality. While it is definitely in the future, it manifests its blessing already in the present that requires faith and trust in God and his kingdom message. In addition, the "kingdom of God" is like the banquet to which all are invited. It is a gracious gift from God, who comes with unconditional love to seek humankind and to offer ultimate salvation to all. The graciousness of the kingdom is a challenge for human beings to respond, and it is through this response that the kingdom becomes a reality in our midst. At present, Vietnam is under the Communist Party, thus all religious activities and practices are strictly controlled. The Doi Moi. "renovation," policy brings a lot of difficulties to the people. The gap between the rich and the poor was widened; their lifestyle and attitudes have been changed . The Vietnamese Catholics' faith-commitment to the "kingdom of God" is swayed by this situation. This study entitled "Kingdom of God" in Four Lukan Parables - Its Challenge to the Church of Vietnam Today" aims to apply Luke's understanding of the "kingdom of God" in his versions of the four parables that were mentioned above to the Vietnamese Church. In order to achieve this, The researcher uses the historical critical method to presents the Luke's understanding of the "kingdom of God" in his presentation of four parables, and then she uses the theological reflection on how the characteristics of the Lukan "kingdom of God" challenge the Church of Vietnam today. The Theology of the Lukan "kingdom of God" in his four parables has a profound impact on the lives of the Vietnamse Catholics. It can help them understand more fully Jesus' message of the kingdom. That message can transform their lives, strengthen their faith-commitment to the kingdom by bearing witness to it and create a better world. It gives meaning to the role of the Church in engaging in society to bring peace, the justice of the kingdom to the country so that the dawn of the "kingdm of God" would be experienced by every person in Vietnam, especially the poor and the marginalized. Thus, the presentation of the "kingdom of God" in the four Lukan parables is necessary and relevant for the Church of Vietnam today.