註釋From the contents: Introduction. Paradigm and progeny: Roman imperial architecture and its legacy / Construction and design / Marble entablatures from the Severan Basilica at Lepcis Magna : a working import model of materials from the Proconnesos quarries / Opus caementicium in Asia Minor: its introduction and development / The human eye and 3-D laser scanning: the Pantheon's façade and its capitals / Shaping the city and villa / The architectural evolution at the villas of Stabiae / Visualizing power: the architectural evolution of the Roman Forum from Augustus to Diocletian / The perception of space in ancient Rome / An irresistible compulsion: the urban armature as operating system at Nysa / The importance of the sea for the urban armature in Roman Carthage / Masonry and memory in Hadrian's architecture and architectural rhetoric / Hadrian's other villas / Hadrianopoleis and Hadrian's fame as a builder of cities / La postérité provinciale des sanctuaires urbains du culte impérial: nature et signification de leurs citations architecturales et plastiques / The nature and legacy of classicism / Paradigm and polemic: Piranesi and the Pantheon / The classical column: a fundamental notion in architecture.