Costs and Outcomes of Community Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities

With many state agencies under budgetary pressure, solid information on costs and outcomes of services for people with disabilities has never been more important. Now, for the first time ever, that hard-to-find information is collected in a single volume for policy makers, advocates, providers, and researchers. Blending original research with policy analysis, critical reviews of existing knowledge, and examples of cutting-edge programs and policies, this book shows you what works and helps you make sound decisions about how to allocate resources. You'll examine

  • differences in outcomes and costs among various community service models direct and indirect costs of family care
  • the criteria used to allocate funds for community services
  • ways to develop a rational, equitable budgeting process that facilitates the desired lifestyle of each person
  • public policy considerations involved in developing individual budgets in a statewide system of services
  • the debate over independent budgets versus traditional funding
  • costs and outcomes of consumer directed services (self-determination)
  • the question of whether greater expenditures and more staff lead to better outcomes
  • the impact of residential setting size and institutional downsizing on per-person expenditure
  • recommendations for future policy and practice

The highly respected contributors to this volume represent a wide range of fields, including disability services, research, evaluation, policy analysis, and administration. Contributors from the UK and Australia add an international perspective. With their combined research and perspectives, you'll be better prepared to meet federal mandates for individualized services and improve the quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.