
From the subway tunnels of Boston to the rain-swept streets of Quebec City to the deepest snow-filled forests of Hilton, Maine, no one in these chilling stories by horror master Rick Hautala is safe from the darkness or the dangerous things that lurk in the shadows.  Waiting for us.  Reaching for us …

Over the years, Rick Hautala's stories and novels have terrified and captivated millions of readers around the world.  Bedbugs is a career-spanning collection of stories that whisks you away on a guided tour of the darkest reaches of the human maind and soul—a tour that could only be conducted by someone with Rick Hautala's ability to make your blood run cold.

Stories in this collection are:

The Back of My Hands


The Voodoo Queen



… from a Stone

Crying Wolf

The Sources of the Nile

Silver Rings

Colt .24

Bird in the House

Cousins’ Curse


Rubies and Pearls

A Little Bit of Divine Justice

Karen’s Eyes

Master Tape

Breakfast at Earl’s

Closing the Doors

Worst Fears

Winter Queen

Late Summer Shadows


Perfect Witness

Piss Eyes

Served Cold