Wellness and Prevention Guide

Dr. Christina Rahm is the summation of a health and wellness professional who focuses on preventative teachings to protect, promote, and maintain one’s wellbeing, strength, agility, and vigor. An international, scientific influencer who is widely known for creating proprietary patented formulas in the scientific advancement arena to support environmental issues for both humans and animal health. She is also the author of ‘Cure the Causes,’ an international best seller which teaches disciplines on how to get to the ROOT of health issues by detoxing the body and subsequently integrating the appropriate nutrients.

Dr. Rahm is a clinically published scientist who has traveled to more than 85 countries. She has received numerous Doctorate degrees in various areas of science, and recently received two Honorary Doctorates in Humanity and Pharmaceutical Science. Also known for her extensive humanitarian work, Dr. Rahms greatest accomplishment is being a mother of four children. Her most recent achievements include creating formulas for ‘The Root Brands’ and launching a global scientific runway fashion and art series titled, ‘Under the Red Chandelier.’