Strategic Decision Making and Firm Development in Dutch Horticulture
Johan Bremmer
Wageningen Universiteit
, 2004
. Besides, empirical evidence about the impact of legislation on firm processes will help greenhouse growers to improve their decision making. In this study, the impact of firm performance, firm characteristics, perceptions and strategies on firm development and the consequences of firm development for firm performance are investigated. Two data sets used in this research combine data at the firm level of the Farm Accountancy Data Network and management information collected by an oral survey. Several statistical methods (e.g. Probit, Tobit, OLS), Cluster Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis are used to identify relationships. span lang=EN-GBThe results suggest mutual relationships between firm performance and firm developments like innovation and firm growth. This creates a loop with a positive feedback: firm developments increase firm performance whereas a high performance induces firm developments. This loop has also a long term version: the family-firm life cycle. If future perspectives disappear, either by bad performances, or by lack of successors, firm developments like firm growth and innovation do not take place and the entrepreneur withdraws money from the firm in the exit stage. Objectives and strategies are consistent with the life cycle stage and the firm performance. The general conclusion about the relation between perceptions and firm developments is that the perception to what degree firm characteristics or consequences of external developments are within the entrepreneur's control determines his or her optimism about firm characteristics and external developments. However, the indirect relationship between perceptions and strategies indicates that perceptions at least partly represent the attitude of the entrepreneur rather than the evaluation of characteristics and external developments.