Queering The Decameron
註釋Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron introduces a variety of subversive themes, including those related to gender and sexuality. This subversion is particularly evident in Day 5 Story 10, the tale of Pietro di Vinciolo, his wife, and their mutual infidelity. This thesis explores three routes to queering the text. First, it argues that the story includes queer characters, including Pietro, his wife, their lover, and the well-regarded old woman who helps the wife arrange her affairs. Secondly, it demonstrates that the power structures of the traditional family and Catholic church created panopticism in Boccaccio's time period, but the Black Death caused the collapse of panopticism. Finally, it shows that the story deconstructs the binaries of good versus bad, moral versus immoral, natural versus unnatural, and secrecy versus disclosure. The thesis concludes that these queer elements are included intentionally in the story due to its changes from the source text, The Golden Ass.