A Different Side, Part 1
註釋I live for football. For the rush of it.For the thrill of the game. As the quarterback for Park Hill University, I'm fast, so fast they coined me with the name of "The Raven". But I have a problem, we'll actually two. The first one is drugs. If I'm going to continue playing college football, I have no other choice but to stay clean. However, the daily pain and torment of my past makes it damn hard. The second problem I have is, women. Women are dying to get caught up with me. In fact, they use #TheRavensTrap on all their social media posts. The one day-and-night-stands have been 'effin great until I got assigned a new tutor. For some reason, I can't seem to get Lexi Thompson out of my head. The only problem is, she's not interested in getting caught in my trap. She's a really good girl and her sweet innocence has me making up new plays to see how I can score a touchdown with her. And I'm not going to give up until I do. Recommended age: 17+ (References to drugs and sexual situations)