Come Away with Me

Zelda Kelly needs a change.

Being a taxi dancer in 1932 isn't all it's cracked up to be. Dancing with men for dimes made her feet ache and her smile stiffer than the illegal drinks Al serves at the bar.

Until he walks in.

Jimmy Lawrence is gorgeous, charming, and romantic, everything her abusive boyfriend is not.

When he sweeps her off her feet and rescues her from Name, Zelda can't help but fall a little bit in love with him.

But there are secrets about Jimmy, dark secrets that start to come out. People recognize him on the streets. The police want him. The new Bureau of Investigation wants him. And Zelda wants him too. However, Zelda must decide if he's worth risking everything for - especially since Jimmy Lawrence isn't even his real name...

Loosely based on the true story of John Dillinger.