Lies I Taught in Medical School
註釋EXPOSED: The Medical Advice That's Making You Sick

Dr. Robert Lufkin trusted the science. He followed doctors' orders. He ate right, and he took his prescribed medications.

He was dying anyway, but he didn't know why.

Robert's mother was a registered dietician who religiously followed guidelines from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Eat low-fat foods such as cereal, and use margarine instead of butter. Robert was raised to believe in mainstream medicine. He became a physician, then a fully tenured professor at two top medical schools. He saw patients, taught students and doctors alike, received millions in research grants, published hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific articles, wrote a dozen medical textbooks translated into six languages, and was elected president of two international scientific medical organizations. Robert was a priest in the highest temples of allopathic medicine with access to the latest in medical research and the best of care.

Yet this system failed Robert. His father developed hypertension, dyslipidemia, prediabetes, and gout. He was put on statins yet developed heart disease and died of a stroke. Robert was diagnosed with the same diseases as his father. He took the standard medications, continued to exercise, and ate a low-fat diet. But knowing his father's history, Robert silently awaited the inevitable heart attack and stroke.

Then Robert realized everything he thought he knew about mainstream diet advice, prescription drugs, and the cause of disease was completely wrong. Through the hard-hitting research of his friend, investigative journalist Gary Taubes, Robert learned how special interests dictate national health guidelines and how so-called healthy foods kill. That's when Robert realized that the same science he was teaching at medical school was killing him.

Lies I Taught in Medical School exposes the comfortable lies pushed by mainstream medicine for the last fifty years-and reveals the harsh truth. The book is a riveting, cautionary tale of how the scientific establishment has gotten so much wrong and continues to make mistakes in key areas, such as:

  • How chronic diseases are linked by common root causes overlooked by our system
  • How financial incentives, simple human error, and other factors drive the soaring rates of chronic disease
  • How Robert was able to reverse deadly diseases in himself with lifestyle changes anyone can do
  • How you can keep medical errors from ruining your health

Unlearn the lies you've always believed, and take control of your health before it's too late.