Point and Route Temperatures for Supersonic Aircraft
Irving I. Gringorten
Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force
, 1970
The atlas of the northern hemisphere temperature field at SST altitudes consists of 84 plates showing the isotherms at each of the constant-pressure levels, 100, 50, and 30 mb, standard altitudes of 53,000, 67,500, and 78,500 ft, respectively. For each level and season there are seven maps giving the 2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 75-, 90-, and 98-percentile temperatures. The charts were prepared from twice-daily grid-point data obtained from charts covering the area from the north pole to approximately 15 deg N for the period 1959 to 1968. Charts were computer analyzed. Since fuel consumption of supersonic aircraft is quite dependent upon temperature, each of the 84 plates is accompanied by a graph giving the probability that the temperatures on any route plotted on the map will equal or exceed the temperatures shown on the map. While the 84 maps are intended for straightforward informational use in SST flight-planning, there are many noteworthy features that are revealed by the percentile-type presentation. (Author).