Deep in the heart of East Anglia lies the sleepy village of Red Kep. A village known for its juicy greens. A village which a weary motorist could easily miss with the blink of an eye. A place where nothing out of the ordinary ever happens.
At least that is what Jemima Sally thinks when she takes her first teaching post in the drowsy town. But the naive teacher couldn’t be any more wrong. Before she realises it, Jemima Sally has been catapulted into the realms of the paranormal. She is forced to adapt to a world of low flying students, chlorophyll enhanced children, secret military flights and a cabbage patch war.
Miss Sally begins to question her eyesight, the school curriculum and her own sanity. At the point of despair, the school teacher finds an ally in Primrose Green, a pupil with abnormal sensory abilities and an eco system living atop her head. The unlikely duo starts to uncover the truth about the bizarre goings on in Red Kep.
A trail of clues leads to a mad, local inventor who has dabbled outside the boundaries of science and nature. Sleepy Red Kep looks set to imprint its name in the history books when an EXPLOSIVE situation develops.
Things can only go one way. Up.