Book of Sides II: Original, Two-Page Scenes for Actors and Directors is the second book in the Book of Sides series by Dave Kost, featuring original, two-page, two-character scenes for use in acting, directing, and auditioning classes. While shorter than the traditional three-to-six-page scenes commonly used in classes, Book of Sides II features longer scenes than the first Book of Sides with greater character development, more reversals, and stronger climaxes.
- Balanced, structured scenes designed specifically for educational use challenge both actors and directors equally with objectives, obstacles, tactics, and subtext;
- Two-page length is ideal for high-intensity exercises and faster-paced workshops;
- Printed in easy-to-read film-script format with plenty of room for notes;
- Scenes are completely original and unencumbered by copyright, so students may film and post legally on the internet;
- Universally castable, so all roles can be played by actors of any gender, appearance, skill level, or ethnicity;
- Accessibly-written for modern students, helping them to focus on the fundamentals of performance and directing;
- Simple and conducive to performing in a classroom without sets, costumes, or special props.
This book was written by an educator for educators and designed for use in the classroom. Never search for scenes again!