In September of 2015 at age 22 Heather is sitting in an emotional state somewhere in between despair and depression. Anxiety attacks are becoming increasingly frequent, traumatic memories have been simmering away unaddressed for years, and she feels increasingly isolated from the mass of seemingly happy and satisfied people surrounding her. Rather than succumb to the pressure to settle down and accept the inevitable mediocrity of life she decides to do battle with her despair. With planes, trains, buses and cars as her sole companions she goes out to see the world.
Unhinged is the rollercoaster journey that followed.
A travel memoir set over a two year period, Unhinged is a collection of lessons learnt, people met, inspiring conversations had and realisations reached worldwide. It is an exploration of how travel, connection, solitude and embracing our uniqueness can guide us to finding peace from the madness of life.