When All We Have Is Us.

In "When All We Have is Us," we are introduced to Vivieanne Davenport, a young woman who has long concealed the harrowing truth about her home life. Living under the shadow of her mother's drug addiction, alcoholism, and mental illness, Vivieanne has shouldered the burden of abuse in silence. Despite the turmoil, she finds solace in the bond she shares with her sisters and father, forming a tight-knit unit within their fractured family.

However, Vivieanne's world is shattered when she discovers that her family members have been aware of her suffering all along. Betrayal cuts deep as she grapples with the realization that her father and sister were complicit in enabling her mother's destructive behavior. The sudden loss of her father further complicates matters, leaving Vivieanne riddled with guilt for seeking refuge elsewhere.

As Vivieanne navigates through layers of pain and anger, she finds herself thrust into a tumultuous journey of healing and self-discovery. Struggling to trust those who extend a helping hand, her wounded soul lashes out in defiance, fueling a cascade of family secrets that threaten to unravel the very fabric of their existence.

In "When All We Have is Us," author Mona Lisa Ann delves into the complexities of familial relationships, exposing the raw emotions of betrayal, guilt, and resilience. Through Vivieanne's gripping narrative, you are invited to witness the transformative power of confronting the past and embracing the possibility of redemption amidst the chaos of shattered trust.