Scholarship in the Postmodern Era: New Venues, New Values, New Visions
New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 90
出版Wiley, 2002-07-24
主題Education / General
註釋A little over a decade ago, Ernest Boyer's Scholarship Reconsidered burst upon the academic scene, igniting a robust national conversation that maintains its vitality to this day. This volume aims at advancing that important conversation. Its first section focuses on the new settings and circumstances in which the act of scholarship is being played out; its second identifies and explores the fresh set of values currently informing today's scholarly practices; and its third looks to the future of scholarship, identifying trends, causative factors, and potentialities that promise to shape scholars and their scholarship in the new millennium. One of the greatest legacies of Scholarship Reconsidered is the advocacy of a more holistic and humane approach to promoting, evaluating, and rewarding scholarship. This volume hopes to help nurture that legacy.

This is the 90th volume of the quarterly journal New Directions for Teaching and Learning.