Range Rover Classic - Torque Technical Tips - Vol 1

Torque Technical Tips books are a must for Range Rover Classic enthusiasts.

There are two volues in this series, which totals over 700 pages of expert technical tips for Land Rover's Range Rover Classic - spanning from 1977 to 1992 and have been collated from "Torque", the club magazine of one of the oldest Range Rover Clubs around - the Range Rover Club of Australia, Victoria Branch.

Volume 1 has 373 pages and takes tips and articles dated between 1977 and 1986.,

Contributions come from a mix of Land Rover mechanics and club enthusiasts and include: how these wonderful cars work; getting home if you break down in the middle of nowhere (we call it bush-mechanics, in Australia); modifications; off-road driving and recovery techniques; and many more.

The wealth of knowledge from the club that was formed in 1977 is emmense; it's still going strong and still has some of the original members.