Advances in Plant Physiology
註釋The configuration of Volume 9 of the International Treatise Series has been done absolutely due to commendable contributions from World Scientists of eminence in unambiguous fields. Amazingly, within the time span of nine years, now this treatise has been duly recognized through ISI Web of Knowledge ⬠Current Contents in the hearts of distinguished readers and has beyond doubt achieved the international status. This programme has been undertaken with a view to reinforce the identical efforts to recognize the outcome of meticulous research in some of the very sensible and stirring areas of Molecular Physiology & Biology of Plants. In order to sustain and further advance Plant Physiology, it is dedicated to continue the originality and the introduction of spanking new ideas, ensure that the treatise welcomes the best science done across the full extent of modern plant biology, in general, and plant physiology, in particular, persevere on advancing the quality of what is published, place high value on the quality of production, and be highly attentive and responsive to the rapidly changing face of academic publishing. In spite of handiness of quick accessibility of vast literature from internet, this treatise series in the field of life sciences has been realized over and above to be like a true guide, friend and philosopher, everlastingly enlightening the most hidden perceptible nerves of an individual worker, which is beyond the competence of mere web service. In Volume 9, with inventive applied research, attempts have been made to bring together much needed twenty review articles by Forty-six contributors from Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, India, Italy and Spain dispersed duly evaluated by the respective Consulting Editors of international stature from India, U.K., U.S.A., Argentina, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, Portugal, Israel, and Morocco and rationally disseminated in nine sections. Creditably in this volume, over ten important reviews belong to the field of Environmental Stresses besides covering significant areas of research. In reality the treatise is prosperity for interdisciplinary exchange of information. Apart from fulfilling the firm need of this kind of exclusive edition in different volumes for research teams and scientists engaged in various facets of research in Molecular Physiology and Biology of Plants in traditional and agricultural universities, institutes and research laboratories throughout the world, it would be extremely a constructive book and a voluminous reference material for acquiring advanced knowledge by post-graduate and Ph.D. scholars in response to the innovative courses in Plant Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Agronomy, Horticulture, and Botany. ContentsSection I: Molecular Physiology of Plants under Environmental Stresses: Tolerance Mechanism and Responses1 Drought and oxidative stress: the role of hydrogen peroxide ⬠Tana Jubany-Marí, Sergi Munné-Bosch and Leonor Alegre 2 Molecular Physiology of Drought Tolerance Mechanism in Plants ⬠A. Hemantaranjan and J. P. Singh 3 Calcium and oxidative stress ⬠Tracey Ann Cuin 4 Physiological, Biochemical and Growth Responses of Plants to Tropospheric Ozone ⬠Supriya Tiwari and Madhoolika Agrawal 5 Superoxide dismutase - Scavengers of Reactive Oxygen Species ⬠K.V. Kasturi Bai and Shamina Azeez 6 Physiology of Mangroves: strategies on stress adaptation with special emphasis on tolerance to high salinity ⬠A. B. Das, S. Mishra and P. Mohanty 7 Adaptive strategies of coconut palm under stressful conditions ⬠S. Naresh Kumar, V. Rajagopal and K.V. Kasturi Bai 8 Molecular Physiology of Heavy Metal stress in Plants ⬠S.K. Panda, S.Choudhury and H. Matsumoto 9 Plants For Heavy Metal Toxicity Assessment : Duckweeds (Lemnaceae) ⬠Klaus-J. Appenroth and Kavita Shah 10 Jasmonic Acid - a stress relieving plant cell signaling molecule ⬠B.K. Sarma Section II: recent advances in the biosynthesis and functions of cuticular waxes11 Plant Cuticular Waxes: Biosynthesis and Functions ⬠M. Sturaro and M. Motto Section III: Plant Biogenesis12 Proteolysis in Plant Mitochondria and Chloroplasts ⬠P. F. Huesgen, H. Schuhmann and I. Adamska Section IV: Root Growth Regulation13 Identification of rice root proteins regulated by gibberellin using proteome analysis ⬠Setsuko Komatsu and Hirosato Konishi Section V: Crop Modeling14 Crop Simulation Modeling: Implications and Potentials for Rubber ⬠S. K. Dey Section VI: Actinorhizal and Legumes nitrogen fixing symbioses15 Make your way to nodules. Early events in Actinorhizal and Legumes nitrogen fixing symbioses ⬠Daphné Autran, Laurent Laplaze, Valérie Hocher, Florence Auguy, Mame Oureye-Sy, Mariana Obertello, Benjamin Péret, Claudine Franche and Didier Bogusz Section VII: Molecular Basis of Metabolism16 Fructan exohydrolases (FEHs) in fructan and non-fructan plants ⬠Wim Van den Ende and André Van Laere 17 4-Chloroindole-3-acetic acid : Metabolism and Bioactivity in Plants ⬠B. Ali, S. Hayat, Q. Fariduddin and A. Ahmad Section VIII: Crop Physiology & Biochemistry18 A study into grain growth of Triticum aestivum L. wheats as steered by Anatomical, Biochemical and Physiological parameters ⬠I. S. Dua and Davood Eradatmand Asli Section IX: Post-Harvest Physiology19 Recalcitrant Seed Storage Behaviour ⬠S.R. Ambika 20 Changes in Plant Growth Substances during Fruit Ripening and Post harvest Periods ⬠P.K. Nagar