Unmindful Negligence

Unmindful Negligence offers thoughtful reading for all to ponder from several perspectives. It is about America’s intolerant and unjust treatment of Native American Indians, immigrants, African American Blacks, women, minorities, the disabled, LGBT community-- virtually any group experiencing discrimination today in America. Psychological studies explain how the “us vs them” behavior is a dominant force that was present from the inception of America and causative for the divisions in our present day society. These growing differences have led many observers in our society to worry we are developing a community of narcissists as many studies have suggested. On another level the book also describes how American society through political action groups and legislative laws has attempted to incrementally “right these wrongs” thoughtfully raising American awareness to live up to the concept of our country’s exceptionalism. Another concept addresses transcendent themes from our earliest ancestors at Gobleki Tepe to present day of how cooperative behavior is the catalyst for extraordinary changes in human living. As a result, America may be at a tipping point where issues surrounding discrimination and lack of economic and educational opportunities can’t be resolved due to a political system that is only concerned with their perception of issues and an unwillingness to compromise. Finally there are counteractive views in the religious and political sphere that are determined to enforce their ideology that their belief system is not only best for all, but is God’s way. These are self-serving tenets that cannot lead to an inclusiveness of humankind: for if these views prevail, America will just become another once upon a time democracy.