The Haunted House
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About The Haunted House by Walter Hubbell 'The Haunted House' is about 'The Great Amherst Mystery' which was a notorious case of reported poltergeist activity in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada between 1878 and 1879. It was the subject of an investigation by Walter Hubbell, an actor with an interest in psychic phenomena, who kept what he claimed was a diary of events in the house, later expanded into a popular book.Hubbell's book was published in 1879 and proved popular, selling at least 55,000 copies. The Amherst case was also investigated by the British paranormal researcher Hereward Carrington, who took statements from surviving witnesses of the events in 1907 and published them, along with a detailed account of the case, in 1913. Other researchers looked at the case more critically than Hubbell: in particular, Dr Walter F. Prince in the Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research (Vol XIII, 1919) made a detailed case for trickery by Esther Cox while in a dissociative state. It has been suggested that certain aspects of the alleged paranormal events at Borley Rectory, sometimes dubbed "the most haunted house in England," may be linked to the Amherst case. The experiences of the Foyster family there in the early 1930s - in particular claims that writing appeared mysteriously on the wall - resemble events in the Teed household. Rev. Foyster had previously lived at Sackville, New Brunswick, and may well have been aware of the case of Esther Cox.