The American Diaries of Count de Berlaymont
註釋The American Diaries of Count de Berlaymont is the first-ever English translation of a nineteenth-century French travel narrative, outlaying the adventurous travels of Count Guy de Berlaymont throughout the United States and Cuba. Perhaps most interesting are de Berlaymont's descriptions and observations on travel, culture, and politics, which serve as firsthand historical accounting of the two countries. Young de Berlaymont was a frequent traveler and his American adventure remained important to him throughout his life. Publication of travel accounts--particularly popular in Europe and America in the mid- to late nineteenth century--helped fulfill two needs: (1) They served as surrogates for participation for those unable to travel; and (2) They acted as authoritative descriptions of places and historical events. The value of de Berlaymont's travel diary lies in its important source material as well as the Count's commentaries on the distinct flavor of American life.