Assessing Microbial Diversity in Yellowstone National Park Hot Springs Using a Field Deployable Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System
註釋"This study aimed to assess the microbial diversity of YNP hot springs using a portable lab designed for use in remote areas with scarce resources, with an emphasis on in-field DNA extraction. To demonstrate its practicality, ONT sequencing was performed in the field on a single sample. In addition, a more comprehensive sequencing of all kinds of samples (n= 48; including those high and low biomass) was conducted in a laboratory setting, employing both ONT and Illumina sequencing for a thorough data comparison; such a comparison was not carried out in the past. We incorporated enzymatic pretreatment with Metapolyzyme into the ?Titan system since these cell wall degrading enzymes were reported to yield better DNA from hard to lyse samples such as urine (Zhang et al., 2022). Subsequent to this pretreatment, shotgun sequencing was performed utilizing both ONT and Illumina platforms. The comparable sequencing performance of these methods affirms the potential of Nanopore sequencing for fieldbased biological research." - From introduction.