A Weighty Issue
註釋What is obesity? Does the BMI measure it and if not, why was it invented? Is weight gain all down to too many calories going in and not enough being expended or are there are other reasons for weight gain? Is it possible to lose weight without dieting and, if so, how? Which common medications can cause rapid weight gain and which common mineral can do the job of an oft prescribed medication for nerve pain which often causes massive weight gain? Are all calories equal? Well no, there are some foods that are recommended in calorie controlled diets that can actually cause weight gain. How can some bread cause weight gain and others not and no! it isn't all to do with whether it is wholemeal or white bread. Can exercise actually increase weight and, if so, how? What do diuretics have to do with gaining weight - they do, but how? What impact does yellow light have on weight? All these and many other questions are answered in this book. It is the ultimate guide for those who don't do diets but want to know why they gained weight and more importantly how to lose it - simply and without stress. Another no nonsense book from lecturer and medical nutritionist, Lynne Noble