The Genesis of Israel and Egypt
A Velikovskian View of the Early Civilizations, Ages in Alignment Series
出版Algora Publishing, 2023-10-01
主題History / Ancient / Egypt

"The Genesis of Israel and Egypt" examines the earliest phase of historical consciousness in the ancient Near East, looking in particular at the mysterious origins of Egypt's civilization and its links with Mesopotamia and the early Hebrews.

The book takes a radically alternative view of the rise of high civilization in the Near East and the forces which propelled it. The author, Emmet Sweeney, finds that the early civilizations developed amidst a background of massive and repeated natural catastrophes, events which had a profound effect upon the ancient peoples and left its mark upon their myths, legends, customs and religions. Ideas found in all corners of the globe, concepts such as dragon-worship, pyramid-building, and human sacrifice, are shown by Sweeney to have a common origin in the cataclysmic events of the period termed the "eruptive age" by legendary English explorer Percy Fawcett.

Terrified and traumatized by the forces of nature, people all over the world began to keep an obsessive watch on the heavens and to offer blood sacrifices to the angry sky gods. These events, which are fundamental to any understanding of the first literate cultures, have nonetheless been completely effaced from the history books and an official "history" of mankind, which is little more than an elaborate fiction, now graces the bookshelves of the world's great libraries.

Starting with clues unearthed by history sleuth Immanuel Velikovsky and others, Emmet Sweeney takes the investigation further. While the Near Eastern civilizations are generally considered to have taken shape around 3300 BC — about 2,000 years before those of China and the New World — Ages in Alignment demonstrates that they had no 2,000-year head start. All the ancient civilizations arose simultaneously around 1300 BC, in the wake of a terrible natural catastrophe recalled in legend as the Flood or Deluge.

Sweeney points out that the presently accepted chronology of Egypt is not based on science but on venerated literary tradition. This chronology had already been established, in its present form, by the third century BC when Jewish historians (utilizing the “History of Egypt” by the Hellenistic author Manetho) sought to “tie in” Egypt’s history with that of the Bible. Apparent gaps and weird repetitions resulted. Improbable feats like the construction of major cut-stone engineering projects before the advent of steel tools or Pythagorean geometry point to the weaknesses of the traditional view.

Taking a more rigorous approach and pointing to solid evidence, Emmet Sweeney shows where names overlap, and where one and the same group is mistaken for different peoples in different times.

Volume 1, The Genesis of Israel and Egypt, looks at the archaeological evidence for the Flood, evidence now misinterpreted and ignored. This volume examines the rise of the first literate cultures in the wake of the catastrophe, and goes on to trace the story of the great migration which led groups of early Mesopotamians westward toward Egypt, where they helped to establish Egyptian civilization.

This migration, recalled in the biblical story of Abraham, provides the first link between Egyptian and Hebrew histories. The next link comes a few generations later with Imhotep, the great seer who solved the crisis of a seven-year famine by interpreting pharaoh Djoser’s dream. Imhotep is shown to be the same person as Joseph, son of Jacob.