Information Generation and its Use by Agricultural Scientists

 The book “Information Generation and its use by Agricultural Scientists — A Critical Study” dealt exhaustively about “Information” in general and “Agricultural Information” in particular. It provides panoramic view of agricultural information, its nature, generation and use by agricultural scientists. The impact of different important factors like Cadres, Age, Sex, Educational qualification, Professional trainings, Working environment, Work experience, Discipline of Research, First appointment, and Member-ship to scientific societies/association etc of agricultural scientists over theirs information productivity and use of information have been studied in depth and presented in lucid manners. The whole book is spanned in five chapters. While the chapter 1st and 2nd are devoted to conceptual aspects of information generation and use in the science of agriculture, chapter 3rd described the objectives and methodology. Chapter 4th presents the data analysis and findings in details with tables and graphs, the 5th and final chapter covers summary and conclusions of the study. Besides, a bibliography on the subject of study is also provided for further reading and reference.