Sri Yantra Bhavana Upanishad

The Sri Yantra Bhavana Upanishad is attributed to the Atharvaveda. It is a later Upanishad that illuminates the Bhavana or Deeper Emotions connected to the Sri Yantra, the body of the Mother Divine, and also the body of Divine Yogic Union of Purusha and Prakriti. It expounds the innermost intense feelings of the Soul, its basic desire, and ways and means to connect and unite with the ultimate consciousness.

What is a Sri Yantra? A healing mandala diagram made by 4 Upward Apex Triangles and 5 Downward Apex Triangles, properly intertwined to represent

• the cosmic forces in creation, and

• the principles of duality, harmony, and divinity.

The 9 Basic Triangles create a total of 43 Triangles due to the overlapping, which are grouped (shaded) as

14 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 1 = 43.

Apart from these Triangles,

• there is a central Dot (Bindu)

• there are three Circles with 8 and 16 petals encircling the Triangles

• there are four Gates encircling the entire Mandala, composed of three lines.

Sanskrit Seed Sounds (bija mantra) like ॐ Om, are potent healing and nourishing energies. Sound is an energy. Pleasing sounds (meditative music, blessings) have excellent effects on one's behavior, attitude, and long-term all round success in life.

An aesthetically made Mandala can become vastly superior when infused with Seed Sounds.

Bhavana Upanishad Verse 8

क्रियाशक्तिᳲ पीठम् । कुण्डलिनी ज्ञानशक्तिᳲ गृहम् । इच्छाशक्तिर्महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी । ज्ञाता होता ज्ञानमग्निः ज्ञेयꣳ हविः । ज्ञातृज्ञानज्ञेयानामभेदभावनꣳ श्रीचक्रपूजनम् ॥ ८ ॥

kriyā-śaktiᳲ pīṭham । kuṇḍalinī jñāna-śaktiᳲ gṛham । icchā-śaktirmahātripurasundarī । jñātā hotā jñānamagniḥ jñeyaꣳ haviḥ । jñātṛ-jñāna-jñeyānāmabhedabhāvanaꣳ śrī-cakra-pūjanam ॥

क्रियाशक्तिः पीठम् । कुण्डलिनी ज्ञानशक्तिः गृहम् । इच्छाशक्तिः महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी । ज्ञाता होता ज्ञानम् अग्निः ज्ञेयम् हविः । ज्ञातृज्ञानज्ञेयानाम् अभेदभावनम् श्रीचक्रपूजनम् ॥

क्रिया-शक्तिः m1/1 action-propelling energy पीठम् n2/1 foundation (is) । कुण्डलिनी f1/1 Kundalini energy ज्ञान-शक्तिः m1/1 wisdom-infused energy गृहम् n2/1 home (brings one) । इच्छा-शक्तिः m1/1 intent (positive) महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी f1/1 the beautiful majestic goddess ruling over the 3 worlds (leads to) । ज्ञाता m1/1 knower होता m1/1 worshipper ज्ञानम् n1/1 knowledge अग्निः m1/1 fire-ritual ज्ञेयम् n1/1 known हविः n1/1 oblation । ज्ञातृ-ज्ञान-ज्ञेयानाम् n6/3 of the knower knowledge and object known अभेद-भावनम् n1/1 undifferentiated emotion श्री-चक्र-पूजनम् n1/1 Sri Chakra Worship (is) ॥


हविः from हविस् ।

This verse is the defining verse of Bhavana Upanishad. It is the crux of the Sri Yantra. Beautifully it states that a sense of devotion, gratefulness, and offering one’s love is true worship.


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