Selected Writings of Ellet Joseph Waggoner, Volume 1 Of 2
註釋Waggoner, Ellet Joseph (1855-1916)-This first volume contains 26 books and booklets; 7 pamphlets; and 44 General Conference Session presentations. Among the Session presentations is a 16 part series on the book of Romans, and an 18 part series on the book of Hebrews. There is also an 1887, special 71 page letter on the law in Galatians to the then General Conference president-Elder George I. Butler. Volume two contains some 430 selected articles, out of literally thousands, published in eight of our journals-American Sentinel; Bible Echo and Signs of the Times; The Present Truth; The Signs of the Times; The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald; The Home Missionary; The Medical Missionary; The Missionary Magazine; - during a period of over 20 years. Noteworthy among the selected articles are a number of special series such as: "Studies in the Gospel of John"-21 articles; "Sabbath School Lesson Comments"-50 articles; "The Gospel of Isaiah"-77 articles; "Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons"-16 articles; "Studies in Romans"-38 articles; and "The Law of Life"-21 articles on the Ten Commandments.Physician, minister, teacher, editor, and writer. Waggoner was son of J. H. Waggoner. In the late 1870s he trained at Battle Creek College, then took medical training, and joined the staff of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Later moving to California, he worked at St. Helena as a physician, then turned to editorial work. He had a unique conversion experience in 1882, seeing Christ crucified for him personally, leading him to devote his life to revealing this to others. In 1883 he became an editor at The Signs of the Times, and the next year became associated with A. T. Jones there. Their development of the theme of righteousness by faith in relation to the law led them into conflict with the church leaders in Battle Creek, reaching a crisis at the Minneapolis 1888 General Conference Session.Ellen White's strong endorsement of the message was clear. "When Brother Waggoner brought out these ideas in Minneapolis, it was the first clear teaching on this subject from any human lips I had heard, excepting the conversations between myself and my husband.... And when another presented it, every fiber of my heart said, Amen" {1888 348.4}. She spoke in many settings over the next three years with both Waggoner and Jones, sharing the gospel message, and working to raise the spiritual life of the church. The year 1891 that saw Ellen White sent to Australia also saw Waggoner sent to England, both being the results of work to remove them from Battle Creek.Waggoner edited the Present Truth while in England. In 1898 Ellen White wrote him that she and her son considered "Present Truth the best paper published by our people" (17MR 217.1). Toward the end of this decade he partnered with W. W. Prescott in the work in England. They shared many views that came from the Minneapolis era, but in their humanness carried them at times too far. Ellen White reflected in 1903 that both men had promoted "extreme views of sanctification" at the 1901 General Conference Session (10MR 87).Prescott saw his error and moved away from such concepts, while Waggoner with these ideas moved closer to Kellogg's views. Ellen White attempted to help direct his feet away from this path. In 1903 she attempted to arrange for him to join the new school at Berrien Springs, telling Magan and Sutherland, "I know that just now he is in special danger... of accepting incorrect views of God, as set forth in the new book, 'Living Temple'. Take him into the school at Berrien Springs.... I believe that he will recover his former clearness and power" (SpM 328.2). But like Jones he went to work with Kellogg at Battle Creek, leaving church employment in 1904, and church membership in 1905 over his divorce. While active in religious things at Battle Creek to the end of his life, his usefulness to the church was never recovered.