Lord Purge My Mind From Dead Works; So I Can Live A Life That Pleases You
註釋Until our conscience is "PURGED", trash is deleted from our minds, until sinful thoughts dealt with and rebuked so that you won't give in to them you will not be able to serve God with a sincere heart. And it's why the word of God says, "... how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, PURGE YOUR CONSCIENCE FROM DEAD WORKS to serve the living God?" (Heb. 9:13, 14). Dear Reader, if your conscience is evil, your whole body is full of darkness. It is impossible to be a pure Christian with a dark, evil conscience. If your conscience is not "purged" from sin and deception, then it will be hopeless for you to try to live a pure life. First, you need your conscience cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ. That is the ultimate goal of this article. Our conscience is manifest in our heart. It was breathed into the body at creation by the breath of God and we became a living soul. This is one of the incredible miracles of creation that places man on a level of existence very close to angels and even God Himself. A bad conscience is a destroying mechanism in a human body. "OUR CONSCIENCE IS THE TESTIMONY OF THE HOLY GHOST IN US CONCERNING THE WILL OF GOD IN OUR LIFE." A good conscience will not let you get away with anything! A good conscience is like a compass guiding you toward the right destination as well as protecting you from the wrong destination.