A Declension Guide to the Textus Receptus Greek New Testament Underlying the King James Version, Second Edition, Volume One, Four Gospels

The Declension Guide to the Greek New Testament Textus Receptus underlying the KJV is 2 volumes. Every word that is not a verb is declined. For the parsing of every verb, see his "Parsing Guide." Dr. Khoo said: "Dr. Seung-Kyu Park's verse-by-verse parsing and declension guide to the Greek New Testament underlying the Authorised Version (KJV) are invaluable tools for the student of biblical Greek. For a rapid reading of the Greek text, a quick referencing guide, such as this book by Dr. Park, is time-saving. The student can just focus on reading and translating the Greek text rapidly without being bogged down by flipping the pages of a lexicon." Dr. Jeffrey Khoo, Principal, Far Eastern Bible College, Singapore, October 2014.