
This collection book consists of twelve short stories by twelve Indonesian young writers. Unlike the usual publications of fiction book in Indonesia by Indonesian writers, this book was written originally in English. The reason behind this is simple; all of us, the writers and I as the editor of this book, want to offer this book to a wider readership. However, we also want Indonesian readers to be included in our reach. Therefore, this collection book of short stories is also accompanied with its Bahasa Indonesia version. 

The stories collected here comprise various themes and styles written brilliantly by each writer. For example, the stories titled “A disaster day”, “Walking in the wind”, “A glimmer of light”, and “Struggle, love, and dream” were written to express personal experiences. They express sadness and misery from the past but at same time they also show a glimpse of hope towards the future. 

In “Struggle, love, and dream”, the writer tells a story about a girl from East Java who struggles to have a better future despite difficulties she has. Monetary crisis that hit Indonesia in 1998 is used as a historical context of how the character gets her first difficulty in the story. In spite of many problems that the character has, at the end of the story, the writer gives a glimpse of brighter days for her main character. The stories in this collection are all different in theme and style but they all have one similarity. The similarity is all of them express personal experiences and thoughts. Therefore, all of the stories here are personal expression. I hope that you will enjoy reading all of the stories in this collection. 

Happy reading!